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Social Security Disability Insurance lawyers

So You Need to File for Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security . . .What Next? Part One

Filing for Social Security Disability

What Social Security Programs are Available?

Filing for Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security can be a daunting task. We’re here to help you navigate the confusing sea of paperwork and fine print. In our four-part series, we’ll give you the facts to give you peace of mind and the answers you are looking for.

There are 3 major programs within the Social Security Administration.

  • Retirement benefits
  • Social Security Disability Insurance benefits
  • Supplemental Security Income benefits
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Delays could come sooner than later if Congress allows another Social Security shutdown "The Social Security Administration's administrative budget costs are seven tenths of one percent (.7%) of beneficiary outlays. These costs make SSA the most cost effective program in the US government and private sector alike."

Read the full article here.

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Does your child have trouble interacting with and relating to others? How do I prove that my child is disabled?

The third area that the Social Security Administration considers when evaluating whether a child is disabled involves their ability to interact and relate to others.  See SSR 09-5p. In my experience this is probably the second most popular domain for…

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Can I get disability if my child has ADHD? How Social Security determines whether a disability is present in one of the most popular functional domains

A second area that the Social Security Administration considers when evaluating whether a child is disabled involves their ability to attend and complete tasks. See SSR 09-4p. In my opinion, this second domain is probably the most popular area for…

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