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Smith & Godios Inc. 411 Wolf Ledges Parkway, Suite 400, Akron, OH 44311Toll Free: 877-230-5500
Attorney Scott F. Smith

Akron, Ohio Office

  • Telephone: 877-230-5500
  • Telephone: 330-762-6474
  • Fax: 330-762-2127
  • Email: Contact Me


Scott F. Smith

Scott F. Smith

Why do most Social Security disability cases end up at a hearing?

How long will I wait to get a hearing date?

What happens if I am able to return to work?

Scott F. Smith

Scott Smith was hired by Sternberg Newman and Associates (now known as Smith & Godios Inc.) in 1997. In 2003, he made partner and the firm incorporated under the name Sternberg, Newman, Shifrin and Associates.  In 2009, partly due to Scott’s reputation as an accomplished advocate for the disabled, our firm name changed to Shifrin Newman Smith Inc.  Scott became president of  the firm in 2019 and our firm’s name changed to Smith Godios Sorensen Inc.

Scott Smith is a University of Akron Law School graduate and has been admitted to practice law before the Supreme Court of Ohio and the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio. Scott was granted a fellowship by the Akron Bar Association and the National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives (NOSSCR) where he sat as a member of the board representing the Sixth Circuit for close to a decade. He is a member of the Investigative Subcommittee and serves on the Fee Dispute Panel for the Akron Bar Association. He has been named to the Advisory Board of Rockynol Retirement Center. He is a member of St. Hilary Catholic Church and is active in his children’s school activities.

Bar Admissions


Honors and Awards

Professional Associations and Memberships


  • Don’t Be Roadkill: How to avoid getting runover by an ALJ, NOSSCR Conference, Atlanta GA | April 26, 2018
  • How To Deal with Problem Clients, NOSSCR Conference, Atlanta GA | April 26, 2018
  • Submission of Evidence II, NOSSCR Conference, Phoenix, AZ | September 14, 2017
  • Submission of Evidence, NOSSCR Conference, Washington DC | June 6, 2017
  • Case Selection and Initial Client Contact, NOSSCR Conference, Miami, FL | June 3, 2016
  • Hearing Preparation, NOSSCR Conference, Denver, CO | October 30, 2015
  • Social Security Disability, Akron Bar Association Workers Compensation Section, Las Vegas, NV | May 15, 2015
  • Fibromyalgia and Seizures, NOSSCR Conference Arlington, VA | May 8, 2015
  • Administrative Fees, NOSSCR Conference, Las Vegas, NV | October 10, 2014
  • Social Security Disability, Akron Bar Association Workers Compensation Section, Las Vegas, NV | May 18, 2014
  • Social Security Disability, National Business Institute, Cleveland, OH | April 2014
  • Social Security Basics, NEOMED, Community Legal Aid, Rootstown, OH | November 1, 2013
  • Law Office Management, NOSSCR Conference, Washington, DC | May 17, 2013
  • Drug and Alcohol Addiction, NOSSCR Conference, Seattle, WA |October 19, 2012
  • Pre and Post Hearing Briefs, NOSSCR Conference, San Antonio, TX | November 3, 2011
  • Social Security Disability, National Business Institute, Cleveland, OH | April 2011
  • Law Office Management, NOSSCR Conference, Baltimore, MD | May 14, 2011


  • Smith, Scott F., Ohio Foreclosure―What you need to Know: Understanding the Residential Foreclosure Process (Chapter). Thompson Reuters, 2010
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