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Has an arm fracture left you unable to work? Social Security DIsability Benefits after an arm injury
If you’ve suffered a fracture to your arm, you may be entitled to Social Security Disability benefits. However, the standard for receiving Social Security Disability Benefits due to an arm fracture is high and difficult to meet. Social Security first requires that a person suffer a fracture of the humerus, radius, or ulna bone. Social Security will then look to see whether there has been nonunion of the fracture despite continued surgical treatment geared toward restoring the functional use of the arm. Complications related to the surgeries, such as infections, related illnesses and treatments, and post-surgical care are all considered surgical treatments.
Furthermore, a person must be unable to use their arm for 12 months or more to qualify. If a person’s ability to use their arm returns within 12 months of the onset of the condition, benefits will not be paid on this condition alone. However, this problem, coupled with other problems, could still be disabling if, in combination, they keep a person from working full-time.
Overall, Social Security looks to see whether the problems a person is having prevents them from working any full-time job that exists in the United States. This can be a tough standard to meet. Although the road to receiving Social Security Disability Benefits is long and frustrating, an Attorney can help make sure these standards are being met and can make the process less confusing and stressful.
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