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Why Do Social Security Disability Applications and Appeals Take So Long? Long Backlog for SSD and SSI Applications and Appeals
Get In Line
There are currently over one million people waiting for a decision on their Social Security Disability applications.
As many already know firsthand, the Social Security Administration struggles to process all of these claims and render timely decisions. There are a lot of reasons for these delays. Some feel the SSA is understaffed, which limits their ability to effectively meet the demand of the number of people applying. The SSA also has doctors review each person’s medical records before rendering their decisions. This takes time. Obtaining medical records can also be a tedious and time-consuming task. The SSA may also decide that a particular person needs to be examined by a consultative doctor before a decision can be made, which can slow things down.
How Am I Supposed to Survive?
This waiting game puts many applicants on the brink of bankruptcy and homelessness. How to survive during this waiting process which, for many, can last two to three years, is the hardest obstacle facing most Social Security Disability applicants. This is especially burdensome on applicants who, for health reasons, are already so ill they cannot work full-time.
Social Security Disability Attorneys Can Help
Social Security disability attorneys can help you put your best foot forward on your disability application and disability appeals. Attorneys can promptly final any necessary appeals and can make sure that all of your medical records are submitted prior to the SSA making it’s decisions on your case. Certain Social Security Disability lawyers, like those at Smith & Godios Inc., can also help you file your initial application for benefits. Working with an attorney can help you avoid unnecessary delays.
If you are facing foreclosure or are considering bankruptcy, the attorneys at Smith & Godios Inc. can also assist you with these matters.
Most importantly, don’t give up hope. A large part of being successful with your SSD/SSI application comes down to patience. For the over one million people in line right now, they have little choice but to wait.
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